Tuesday 29 July 2008


Power – Why should I look at the sun to obtain light when I can get it right from your eyes?

Heights of insomnia – Cobwebs in my eyes.

Seasons – Just containing the temperature of all seasons in just 5’5’’.

Storage capacity - My wishlist is very short that it requires not even 0.5 KB of your mind’s memory space.

Killer – Music, dreams and imaginations can revive a person and also ruin a person.

Call centre - Is there a toll free number for trouble shooting of my mind? At least one phone number in this world where one will be heard not advised or instructed.

Communication – Both silence and speech couldn’t fetch me the answer.

Water Therapy – When hard rocks can be softened to soft pebbles with the passage of river, is it difficult to soften your heart with my tears?

Special offer - Where on earth will I get that “something more” upon no additional clause?

Magic of time – Deafening uproar reduced to silence in my room and my heart.


Unknown said...

latha...Thought u were more than 5'5".. constant dripping of water melt away even a stone... Nicely worded all of themm. Congrats.. dont nother to thank me.... kunjubi

Anonymous said...

Power and Magic of time is what got to me the most. Its more to do with the innate rather than the other. Just imagining that if the deafening uproar of the mind can be silenced, I presume all else is trivial and surely possible.

As for the call center, perhaps its within you to seek the answers ??? What say?

Latha said...

Thanks for your comments Srini. You are right. When mind can be controlled, everything is possible.

Yes, only when I seek for answers, I will get.

Moonstruck Girl said...

Music, dreams and imaginations can revive a person and also ruin a person.

I didn't realise it till I read your words.. :)


Latha said...


Sometimes music and imaginations takes us to a dream world that doesn't exist and to come back to reality is a big bang. At the same time, it rejuvenates too.