Monday, 19 May 2008

Baby, am I a good Mom?

You told me “I love you” for the nth time
You still say that I am a good Mom!
As I kissed you good night
And as I watch you sleeping
I discover your appealing features
How soft is the quality of your skin!
How silky is the texture of your hair!
How dense are your eye lashes!
How shapely are your lips!
How innocent are your looks!
How orderly are your teeth that are
partially seen as you sleep with your tiny mouth open!
How nice do you smell Oh little one!
You are a lovely cute kid! You are my little baby!

How tiny are your little untrained fingers!
Did it hurt baby, when I yelled at you for not writing neatly?
How tender are your lovely legs!
Did it pain sweet heart, when you ran errands for me?

Because I had poor time management,
I urged you to get ready quickly
Because I was lazy,
I packed up stuff that you wouldn’t love to eat
Because I was off mood,
I yelled at you for having spilt a drop of milk on the floor
Because I was tired,
I asked you to do your homework without my assistance
Because I wanted to watch my favourite channel,
I asked you to read a book instead of watching cartoon.
Because I was very sleepy,
I did not read your bed time story that you enjoy every night
Because I like to eat from restaurants,
I denied you home cooked food
How selfish am I, my sweetie pie?

I accuse you of not being responsible.
Now I realize that I am myself not.
I complain that you are not consistently performing
Neither am I!
I grumble that you are too much dependent on me
Well, I am dependent on you too
I moan that you are not listening to what I say
Am I listening to my parents?

Why didn’t I let you go and play to your heart’s content with your friends?
Why didn’t I let you take your own sweet time in the parks every time we went there?
Why didn’t I let you buy the toys that you wanted to play with?
Why didn’t I let you wear the dress that you wanted to wear?
Why didn’t I let you decide where and how you wanted to spend your vacation?
Baby, did you really enjoy the summer camp last year?

How simple are your desires!
How inexpensive are your desires!How selfish of me
for not having your desires fulfilled!
You would have been happy building castles in the beach
When I would be discussing with Daddy when to buy one like that
You would have been happy playing with a silly toy
When I would stop you from buying it stating that you have outgrown them
You would have been happy playing with your video games
When I interfere and say how you are wasting your time
You would have just called up to say a hi to your friend
When I just stop you telling about the increasing phone bill and I dial my friend

Darling, I failed to mention that I enjoyed
The kiss you planted on my cheek unexpectedly
The hug you gave me when I least deserved it
The smile you gave when I was angry over you
The patch-up effort you made to please me and
The words you ever say when you are back from school “I missed you Mom”.

You made me feel happy when someone asked you “Whom do you love the most?”
And you said that you love me the most!!??
I was delighted and elated.
Now the thought appear if I really deserve that comment from you.
Forgive me O little one! Forgive this sinner
You have given me the greatest honour of being your loved one
and I wish to retain that position in your heart forever.
For all that I have done to you, if you still love me,
Am I not privileged to have you as my child?
I love you too sweetie. I love you my honey bunch.
I love you the most in this whole wide world.
But tell me honestly, am I a good Mom?


Padmaja said...

A marvellous writing straight from the heart.

There is none equal in the world than seeing and holding the new born babe in arms. Those pink lips, rosy cheeks, trance-like eyes, soft features, tender hands etc. unmatched.

It is a beauty to see the baby grow with those sharp features and to see the little grown-up boy/girl sleeping blissfully easily erasing the naughtinesss while awake.

Every mother undergoes all the feelings you have written. And you have the skills to express them beautifully.

You are indeed a very GOOD Mom! Hats off to you, dear!

Unknown said...

You are the greatest of mothers to think in reminiscence, your true nature. I wish if i could get you as my mother. This writing is so moving.Can say it titilates the softness of my heart.. words cannot replace that feeling. what a mother! a mother with a conscience.....
But one word i did not like that "sinner" not you. who loves this much your can u ever be a sinner in that respect. [Edit replace it].Grand!! kunjubi

Latha said...

Thanks Padmaja for your comments. It is truly a nice feeling to be a Mother. I want to remember all that my daughters do for my sake. They have also sacrificed a lot for me. They are very adjusting and I am gifted to have them as my babies.

Thanks Kunjubi, for your comments. I consider myself a sinner for all the little things that I have done against my children. It is the general belief that Mother sacrifice a lot for kids. I want to differ here. My kids have done a lot for me.