Thursday, 22 May 2008


This is the first time I am being tagged. I am glad that the questions put forth and pretty interesting. Here I begin -

* Last Movie You Saw In The Theater
What happens in Vegas

* Which Book(s) Are You Reading?
'Pilgrimage' by Paulo Coelho

* Favourite Board Game

* Favourite Smells
Smell of paint and petrol
Smell of jasmine flower

* Favourite Sound
Tinkle of glass
Jingle of bells

* Worst Feeling In The World
Poverty, old age and loneliness

* Favourite Fast Food Place
Burger King

* Finish This Statement: If I had a lot of money, I'd...
Deposit them in the name of my daughters.

* Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
I would love to.

* Storms - Cool or Scary?

* If you could dye your hair any colour, what would it be?

* Future Child's Name
Smriti, Srishti, Siddharth and lot more (But I already have 2 now)

* Do you drive fast?
No. I don’t drive fast.

* One nice thing about the person who sent this to you
Well, Padmaja is an embodiment of patience. She is a patient listener. She is a very honest person and also very generous. She can never carry ill feelings towards anybody. It is a nice feeling to have her as a friend. There are many more nice things about her which one can understand only when befriended.

* What's under your bed?
My mobile phone and books

* Would you like to be born as yourself again?
Yes and No. 'Yes' because I wish to retain the same characters and habits and 'No' because I want a change in my appearance.

* Morning person or night owl?
Night owl

* Over easy or Sunny side up?
Sunny side up

* Favourite place to relax
In a cottage somewhere close to a wonderful beach along with some cds and books.

* Favourite Pie
Apple Pie

* Favourite ice cream flavours
Butter Scotch and kulfi

* Of all the people you have tagged this to, who is most likely to respond first?
No idea. Most of my friends are busy and the only friend who responds very quickly is the one who has tagged me :)
I wish to tag Mohan Mohan

and Kunjubi Kunjubi


Padmaja said...

That's a lovely list that I must know about you more. Some of them are sweet, some down-to-earth and some scary (Are 'Storms' cool for you? :D :D)

Many times, we stand at opposite sides in terms of tastes & opinions, yet our bondage is something unique which I would cherish till my last breath.

Thanks for those kind words about me.

Sucharita Sarkar said...

Thanks a ton for visiting my blog. I loved your poem for your baby, so sweet and true.
I liked your tag as well, my favourite icecream is butterscotch, too!

Latha said...

Thanks for your comments Padmaja! Yes, though we have contrasting tastes, I am glad that we still are friends. Friendship is much beyond all these.

Sucharita, Thanks for dropping your comments. I am glad that you too love butter scotch flavour!